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    There are consulates in Malaga from numerous countries. Consulates provide useful services for foreigners in Spain, including passport renewal and information.

    Opening time

    Consulate hours are usually from 9 or 10am to 2pm Mondays to Fridays.

    Consulates close on public holidays, both Spanish and those of their home country.

    The list below are all the consulates in Malaga in 2022, however they may change. We will try to keep this list updated, but if we miss any change to phone number or address, please contact us.

    Malaga consulates

    Austria Consulate

    Albanian Consulate

    Belgium consulate

    Brazil consulate

    Canada consulate

    Chile consulate

    Costa Rica consulate

    Denmark consulate

    Finland consulate

    France consulate

    Germany consulate

    Iceland consulate

    Ireland consulate

    Monaco consulate

    Netherlands consulate

    Norway consulate

    Paraguay consulate

    Portugal consulate

    Saudi Arabia consulate

    Slovakia consulate

    This is the only consulate in Andalucia.

    Sweden consulate

    U.K. consulate

    Ukraine consulate

    USA consulate